As a Spiritual Guide, Regression Therapist, Transformational Life Coach and a student of the shamanic teachings I support and create a safe and loving space for deep healing and awakening as I guide people to transform their negative sub-consciousness belief systems, shadows and traumas.
I combine my personal journey’s experience with the trainings and teachings I have taken tor over 20 years.
Regression Sessions; my leading session is regression therapy, which I give in my own unique way combining with shamanic techniques that has a deep transformational impact. Even 1 session can be life altering but to get the best life transforming results 4 sessions is advised.
One sessions takes about 2,5 hours and is offered online. In the sessions we regress back to the root cause of the situation, either this lifetime or past lifes, sometimes the womb or different dimensions depending on where the healing needs to take place. One sessions takes about 2,5 hours and is offered online. First hour is an in-depth conversation on the issue and the second hour is the regression therapy.
Transformational coaching sessions; as each person and sessions is unique, if a more goal oriented approach is needed I support my healing sessions with coaching. I advise the coaching approach especially if you are seeking to find your true passion and purpose in life. We dive deep to find your deepest desires and souls purpose in alignment with your talents and gifts and a plan to get you on the path to your highest potential.
I advise to support the coaching sessions with regression therapy to heal and overcome the underlying fears and traumas that are blocking you from creating and manifesting your greatest version.
I also have several online and offline group programs and seminars where I teach, heal and holds a space of love and light to guide, support and heal those on the path of transformation and awakening.
My leading program is a 6 months online/offline course “Mastery in Creation” which opens once a year for the dedicated student on the path of self-realization.
My first book “Spiritual Renaissance” was published in 2018, (currently only in Turkish).
On my journey since 2000 I have had the the privilege to work one-on-one with the spiritual and transformational leaders of the world like Debbie Ford, Lee Carroll (Kryon), Paul Aurand, Charles Virtue, Kate Benson, Ulrike Granöger, Fotiny Gudela, Vernon Frost, Douglas Forbes, Shaman Durek.
Today, with the immense knowledge and wisdom I have gained as I walked the path to transform and heal my own life it is now my life purpose and greatest joy and honor to hold a space of love and light for others to feel safe and supported to heal their deepest pain and traumas and rise into a higher level of consciousness, love, joy and compassion.
Trainings and Seminars
2000 - 2002
- Prisma and Rainbow Seminars; Very powerful transformational, awareness and communication seminars; workings as an assistant in over 15 seminars ; with Yossi Mutzafi and Israel Berkowics
- Reiki 3. levels; Beki Bisa
- Metaphysics course; Bilge Şeker
- Different types of yoga; Hatha, Kundalini
2002 - 2008
- As founding partner of Lighthouse; the organization of seminars with the leading names from the spiritual and personal development field from different parts of the world, South Africa, USA
- Attending and organizing over 40 seminars including Labyrinth Seminars; levels 1.,2.,3.,ve 4.; very deep transformational work, awareness, meditation, breath work , metaphysics, energy and shamanic work . Assisting to release and regression therapy for nearly 5 years; working one-on-one over 1000 clients with Vernon Frost
- Self-Hypnosis , psychic abilities ; other seminars of Vernon Frost
- Soul Development, Waking the Soul, Soul Keys ,Soul abundance 3 levels of deep spiritual work ; Linda de Villiers
- Shadow Process –With the author of New York Times Best Seller “The Dark of the Light Chasers and many other books Debbie Ford a 2 day “Shadow Process” seminar organized for the first time in Turkey; November 2003
- Mastery in Living; start to ontological coaching – With Pat Grove from South Africa, coach since 1969 and known as the Wizard of Transformation, 2004
- Human Pin Code; The first seminars organized in Turkey with genius mathematician Douglas Forbes from South Africa; levels 2. ,2005
- Re-member – Steve & Barbara Rother 2 day transformation and spiritual seminar
2005 - 2006
- JFK University & Ford Institute For Integrative Coaching (USA)
- Essentials Coaching Training Program, Part 1: Debbie Ford’s coaching program (8 months)
2005 - 2010
- Family Constellations Work ; Attending different trainers constellations Göksel Karabayır, Halise Baydar , Banu Birkan
- Osho Trainings
- Love and Co - Dependancy Seminar, level 1; Krishnananda and Amana
- Feminine Power seminars
- Dynamic Meditation
2010 - 2015
- FA Coach Academy; Association for Coaching, Advanced Coaching certification; Fatoş Ayvaz , 2012
- Summit Seminar; 3.rd and final level of Prizma and Rainbow seminars. In nature, going beyond normal physical boundaries, a 6 day very intense transformational program
- Fire Walk on 1000 degrees coal; with Tony Wiseman and Orit Josefi, 2012
- A 7- week online seminar with Neale Donald Walsch, author of best seller series Conversations with God; 2013
- Keys Of Enoch; The teachings of “Future Science and Higher Consciousness Code Book” by author J.J. Hurtak. With Europe Director Ulrike Granögger, 2013-2108
- Drunvalo Melchizedek teachings Awakening The İlluminated Heart; ; with Tom de Winter, 2013
- Masssuma Energy Inıtiation; Level 1. and 2. And 3; Şeyla Sonsino ; 2013, 2014, 2017
- Medium ship with the Angels Certificate Program; With the son of the leading Angel Therapist Doreen Virtue , Charles Virtue; 2014
- Cosmic Energy , level 1.and 2. certificate; With Fotiny Gudela, one the few students of Russian scientist who found the energy channel Dr. Vladimir Petrov. Especially healing on health issues ; 2014
- Journey of the Soul : Intense energy work, meditation, shamanic work,; with Lindy McMullin; President of Transpersonal Psychology and Research Association, 2014
- Light Grid Work ; With Damien Wynne, known as light man; 2015
- Newton Institute Regression and Clinical Hypnotherapy trainings and certification program; with Paul Aurand, Michael Newton Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy Institute Founding President and trainings director and awarded hypnotherapist , 2015
- NLP Practitioner Certificate Training Program; With Kate Benson, NLP Association International Trainings Director who has working very closely with founder of NLP Richard Bandler; 2015
- Kryon İstanbul Seminar; with Lee Caroll,(Kryon) attended as one of the translator in the amazing first Kryon event in Istanbul with around 800 participants; 2015
- Shamanic Bootcamps; Deep shamanic trainings with Shaman Durek learning different shamanic healing and transformational techniques like; Jumbata healing, Atlantis, Cristal Healing, Primal Healing, Cuba Healing, Jera Healing, Hamsa Healing... She continues her training with Shaman Durek as one of his selected students, 2015 -2017
- Shamanic Dance Certificate Program; Shaman Durek, 2016
Click here to see certificates.